Why Hope?Hope Reformed Christian School has been established in response to God’s covenant promises to our children at baptism. Every baptized child is called to – and therefore must be readied for – full-time kingdom service of obeying the Lord in every aspect of life, with heart, head and hands! Parents have vowed to fulfill this obligation for their children, and Hope RCS exists to assist parents in this awesome and serious task!
Why a Reformed Education?
Reformed education seeks to glorify God. It does this in conjunction with the home and the church. By leading students to the Scriptures it shows them what is foundational, and it spurs them on to continue to study for themselves, knowing that the Holy Spirit brings faith and enlightenment through and with the Bible. Reformed education confronts students with their need for the saving work of Jesus Christ. With this knowledge, reformed education seeks to explain to the children the antithesis evident in the academic disciplines and the culture they live in and are learning about. The students will be made aware that the answers to life’s questions are to be first sought in the scripture which “. . . is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for reproof, for doctrine, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV. That means the goal of Christian education is not only to open scripture in the hope that God gives and builds faith, but that the student may be made ready to strive for piety in their own lives and thinking in order to be equipped as ambassadors for Christ in any area to which God may call them. Reformed education acquaints students with different areas of intellectual pursuit to point out not only God’s sovereignty and providential hand over all of life, but also the many gifts He has given them, whether that is in literature, mathematics, biology or art. These gifts are from God and are to be used in obedience to Him in order that His kingdom may be promoted.
Reformed education seeks to glorify God. It does this in conjunction with the home and the church. By leading students to the Scriptures it shows them what is foundational, and it spurs them on to continue to study for themselves, knowing that the Holy Spirit brings faith and enlightenment through and with the Bible. Reformed education confronts students with their need for the saving work of Jesus Christ. With this knowledge, reformed education seeks to explain to the children the antithesis evident in the academic disciplines and the culture they live in and are learning about. The students will be made aware that the answers to life’s questions are to be first sought in the scripture which “. . . is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for reproof, for doctrine, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV. That means the goal of Christian education is not only to open scripture in the hope that God gives and builds faith, but that the student may be made ready to strive for piety in their own lives and thinking in order to be equipped as ambassadors for Christ in any area to which God may call them. Reformed education acquaints students with different areas of intellectual pursuit to point out not only God’s sovereignty and providential hand over all of life, but also the many gifts He has given them, whether that is in literature, mathematics, biology or art. These gifts are from God and are to be used in obedience to Him in order that His kingdom may be promoted.
“Telling to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done. That they may set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments.” Psalm 78:4, 7 |